😒Keep faith...*

Life gives you many reasons to break down..

When your friends betray you.. when your family discourages you.. when you fail an exam.. when you lose an asset.. when you lose a person.. when someone breaks your heart.. adding up to so many more reasons, life tries to knock you down.

At times, it becomes difficult to find even one positive ray of light, one reason to survive, one single hope... you have friends, but you don't have the person you need to talk to.. you have an ambition, but so many influential people want you to choose a different path.. you have dreams, but you are forced to live them in slumber.. so many pressures, so many responsibilities, life has become like this or was always like that ?

You get your lessons the harder way and believe that yes, now nobody can hurt you or fool you or play around, but again the similar or worse thing happens and you ask why ? you know.. somewhere you too know the answer, it is because god knew that you didn't learn the lesson last time, and thus, another failure, another heartbreak and yet, another lesson.

There will be days when you wouldn't want to get up from the bed, when the wet pillow would remind you again that you slept yourself to tears, when your body would feel heavy and tears would again roll up your eyes, just wipe your tears and lie down straight, close your eyes and think of all the good things in your life...

By good things I mean, little memories, little things, little possibilities...
your friends, the first trip in school, college, your first pet, your room, your mom's reaction on your good result, your drunk best friend, your childhood days, cousins, family, the last level of Mario/Prince of Persia that you cleared (if you did) .. ;-) the first kiss, the first salary cheque, the first tequila shot of your life, your best friend's wedding, that late night when the FM saved you with Kishore da songs, your first performance at the stage, the first present by your lover, the first date, the first long night of conversations.... kissing pigeons, beach walks, star gazing at night, your favorite food, long drives, winter sun, puppies, clouds from the airplane window.... dreams, aspirations, planning, saving money, writing diary, reading books, travelling, meeting new people, falling in love.. yes.. again !

Life is a lot more than what you have lived till now. Just hold patience and good things will come to you. They will have to, as god will balance out the evil with good, the hard times with the best ones, hatred with love, betrayal with faith. Keep faith !

Medhavi Medz


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