For Oscar... (2009 : My Fav Work)

The first time I held him in my arms,
I felt something startling  inside my heart,
Each move he made, Each heartbeat of his,
Was heard and felt by me,
In my arms, I hugged him tight,
Can't explain what I felt inside,
His little paws that he placed on my palm,
Made me forget each pain and feel so calm.

My room welcomed him in,
The corner where I made his bed started looking splendid,
The whole night I woke up again and again,
To see that my baby isn't feeling any pain,
I played with him till the morning at four,
and left him open to let him explore,
I smiled and celebrated whenever he learnt new things,
And laughed madly whenever he winked,
His gentle neck was full of fur,
Where he wanted my hands to caress him everytime,
And I loved listening to his moans and murmurs,

No matter wherever I'm,even when it was my sleeping time,
I played with him and behaved like a child,
Every thing of his was so mild,
He slept on my lap and loved his toys,
When I scolded him, he sat like a good boy,
When he sneezed I said "bless you",
When he got hiccups, I tried to calm him down,
This little baby knew where to shit and pee,
No matter that place was far or near.

When I woke him up for food,
He gave me indolent looks,
I only tried to understand his changing moods,
And change my temparament according to his,
This 35 days pup teached me lessons that I wouldn't ever forget,
I'll always remember the reason for which we both met,
He made stratagies to reach up to new places,
He loved to get kissed and warm embraces,
Everytime I made Cerelac for my baby,
I smiled thinking that he's just waiting for me,
When i made a certain sound with the spoon,
He ran to me and that moment nothin else excited me.

I sang songs for him until he snuggled and slept with good dreams,
I took care of him by all the possible means,
He pulled my pajaamaas and ate my footwears,
I adored him so much that I never cared,
For hours and hours I gazed at him,
I slept on the floor just to continue caressing him.
He embellished my world with his prodigious presence,
The happiness that he gave me was just too immense..

I don't want to remember the moment when I waved him goodbye,
I could'nt stop my tears even after i made hard try,
I looked at him and saw tears in his eyes,
He knew somewhat that all i promised were all lies,
I wouldn't be there with him forever,
And he won't get me he'll need me whenever,
He knew it that i was with him just for some days,

Now he's gone and my world seems mundane,
Every moment i miss him and my heart feels a pain,
I remonstrate with the almighty as to why can't I make him mine,
And if he was never mine then what kind are these signs,
Why did god made him the cynosure of my life,
If god had to take him away, why did he come in my life,
Nobody can appease me with any reason or conclusion,
Because im with the world but still feel a plethora of seclusion,
I'm sorry my meek baby, I couldn't be a good mother,

Because I couldn't take up ur responsibility,
I'm sorry baby, I'll pray that u live a life longer than mine,
And we keep meeting by more serendipities.


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