Beautiful person...

It is one of the days when you think they will be one of them but they end up becoming the only ones. When you have hoped nil and affection rains until your soul gets drenched completely. You try to pick and join pieces to figure out the hap-hazard thoughts coming to your mind and suddenly someone just decodes them for you and tells you .. see this is what you wanted and I knew that.

There are things that happen which are inexplicable yet very deep, which have a lot to convey, but are silent, and maybe thats the best part about them. There are times when you forget all what runs through your mind.. and lows down your spirit, but its someone who just tells u in the simplest way possible, to let go! These people are so extraordinarily beautiful and enriching that its hard to understand what they really are. Are we adoring them or falling for them? Coz in their simplest ways.. with just a touch, they create such a difference to you.

Their mere presence just turns your world upside down, their silly gestures and comments make you laugh until you get an ache and the beauty of their words writes a million stories on the door of your heart. They stand there..  still and perfect, and just look at you until you melt into their sugar casted trays of amazement. They dont even give you an idea, coz maybe they themselves dont know about it, how their little elements just scatter around a person and make them what they never were.

It is their hugs that leave you under an aura of affection, their deep eyes that leave you spellbound, the clasp of their hands that leave you feeling secure about yourself and their words that leave you in a dilemma to understand what just happened. You get caught in a cage they never built for you... a stage which they never wanted you to be at.. and then you end up feeling different about yourself.

You will find yourself smiling for no reason, while sleeping, walking, talking or just doing nothing. You will find yourself understanding the lyrics of the cheesiest of the romance numbers at your phone playlist and at the end you will realize, you are going nuts.. and this beautiful person has no idea about it....


You understand them as metaphors and express them as poetry, you start admiring their very existence in your life. No matter they give you a name or not, but they suddenly take hold of a place that you had just jammed and banked on for someone. You dont realize how that moment came and flew before your sight, when this nobody became your someone and just stole all your dreams, maybe without the intention of living them with you, but maybe just to make you realize.. to breathe through this journey, especially when they make you realize how impatient you had been and you so.. need to slow down.

While singing through the corridoors of your workplace, or while dancing on the road with your earphones on; while eating something and just laughing off without a reason, or just getting caught by your sibling or roomie, smiling in slumber, suddenly you realize that this one day is just going too far, maybe out of the limitations that you set up for yourself, but you dont want to stop. You like to sing, to dance and to smile, who doesn't. But this is different to you, to life and a lot from your dreams, as now you feel every moment is real and standing wrapped under transparent sheets before you. You are unpacking the layers, knowing the reality, but you're unpacking it slow and letting its fragrance touch each pore of you.

You want to name it, but you dont want to define a boundary; you want to tell the world, but you dont want the world to see. The boundaries, the sight may demand a link, a validation of what you so deeply feel. But you just want to let it be, touch you, squeaze you, love you and then maybe destroy in the end. Its not that you don't feel things anymore, its not so simple, you're not a robot. You feel the love, you feel the warmth, you feel the magic all around, but unlike the world, you set it free, to go away or just yours to be. Its too early maybe to call it love, coz maybe its deeper and a lot above. Its too early to define it in words, coz maybe it just needs a hiding place. So let it play with your heart and let the kiss reach your core. Let the warmth travel through the embrace, for everything, you don't need to be sure.


You start encountering realities, but you prefer being blind; your brain starts pinging you to be cautious, but your heart wants to fall deep; your entire being goes out of control, the clouds of your soul rain and the ground of your realities start smelling of wet sand. You know there is no name for this, what you have in your heart for this person, but you still bank on his instabilities to find yourself somewhere in between the journey. You keep making them realize that you'll be gon and the heart aches when it makes no difference. Maybe for them you are a mid-way station and you have defined your destination as their name. You cant blame them, neither can you push further.. all you can do is wait, wait for a miracle. You know somewhere, they won't fall for you, you know your limitations, and you don't expect, but you want their love, no matter even if its unreal. You see your life on the brighter edge with them as the sun.


These people have the simplest of personalities, decoded phrases and direct sentences. They cannot sugar-coat their intentions, they are clear about all what they desire and what they don't. Their eyes have the innocence that they never want to reach out people, their body has a spark that they hide behind pores of decency

And their thoughts are clear, focused and simple. They have been heartbroken, thus feel that all this is complicated, yet love oneself and people around. They are maybe scared, or maybe insecure of any more pain travelling to them. They smile all the time and never let their anxieties touch the aura of their being and they show they've become casual to the extent that now emotional connections give them chills.

They talk about your dreams and their own, but will always demark their boundaries. They pretend to be untouched by your presence, but inside they are shaken. Ambition runs into them, dreams define them, but love makes them weak, thus love is not their cup of tea. They will let people fall for them, but if they'll express, they'll look terrified. They will suddenly get impatient and clarify their intentions of not getting tied through emotional threads. They would want you, but they will push you back, they would desire you, but they would show they are happy alone. They will sleep all night hugging you or holding your hand, but will not admit, that they now connect to you.


Their gestures at times confuse you. They show care and then they pull themselves back. They might reveal the urge to see you, but then they put those desires under cover. They try to portray themselves as a different person altogether. Its their magic that lets you feel their smell around you even when they are gone. Its their words that surround you without making any sense. Its their warm breaths that wake you up every morning without their presence. Its their deep voice that whispers sweet nothings in your dreams. They are there, unaware of what they are causing to you. They are smiling and living the daily routine without a glimpse of your thoughts. They are beautiful in their own carefree ways because they engrave imperfections on the perfect slate of your life.



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