Para 🔸You were different...

You made me smile when I had become a complete alien to happiness. You made me believe that everything and anything that I wanted and desired was possible. You evenly distributed love to every single corner of my heart and made me realise that it was not the end, but a new beginning. Your way of loving was different, it was a little harsh and warmer at the same time. Your way of caring was different, it was annoying and  gentle at the same time. At times you hugged me, at times you just pushed me away, at times you kissed me, and at times you just changed your ways. It was hard to understand you at first but I tried my best but then decided to accept you as you are and left my doubts at rest. You just conveyed a possibility and I made it my destiny. You just asked me a favour and I made it my goal. It just came naturally. I never had to try to impress you, I couldn't even try. You just knew me so well, you just knew me so in-depth that my life became a song in which you were the lyricist. You seemed impossible at times. You hurt me and made me cry for hours too, but you had something magical that just kept me deeply in love with you. I understood by then, either I could ask you questions and clear all my doubts or I could just be with you as you desired and wait for you to make me understand. I just dug a deep loophole in my mindset and threw all my questions in it that concerned the possibilities of us being together for longer. I buried the dreams, the expectations and the desires and just gave myself to you and allowed you to shape my life. Now I belong to you, but will never come in your way. I will never be a responsibility, I will never be a pain in the ass, but will be just there. So, when you get tired of being so practical, diplomatic and straight and want to be the way you want to be.. just come to me and I will be there.


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