
Sadness it is or another transitory moment,
Loneliness blown up in a cloud of despair,
You and me are a past little secret,
Or just this world's most unlucky share.

Shining bright are the same little stars,
named over you but now seem to be apart,
You and me now a historical tale,
Or just a phoenix that reformed and died again..

Shadows of silences following us again,
creating mirages of our unknown sail,
Love drowning and rising up without shame,
Flowing though it, we again failed..

You and me are still a story,
buried under a million layers,
layers of name, class and money,
layers of past, present and future,
layers of old unsaid anguish,
layers of dubbed loving sentences,
layers that would never find a depth,
layers that would never be dead,
layers that would never hear our sigh,
layers that would own us even after we die...

Medhavi Medz
25th July'14


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