A special piece for my guy friends !! Love you all !!

I couldn't have smiled this much recalling my childhood if I didn't have you guys in it. Life changed a lot through these years.. something or the other transformed hugely in every five years but one thing that couldn't just change n remained in its engraved permanent form was the friendship we share. We never had this big gang or friends from other sections of our batch even as we were always enough for each other.

I remember being the secret box of you all n keeping all things in my deepest corner of memory n never talking about it, but it was funny to know the same stories from each of you with the same directions of not sharing it anyone else. As far as I can analyze from the past.. I can say one thing for sure that for you guys I was never a girl but just one of you. I was always given the respect n love a girl deserves to get but I was also slapped on the face.. (Rahul).. hit on the face by a football.. (Omesh) treated like a back up for passing exams.. (Jaamun n Piyush) snatched food n money for random treats for the entire gang of guys..which eventually just benefitted them.. (Yusuf n Piyush) and eventually I just ended up being a tomboy in the group, who was never treated delicately.. but I loved being treated like that.. carefree.. comfortable n loved..

I remember growing up with you n taking care of you all just like my family. Making you guys cheat my paper n at times writing in your answersheets as you were either scared of it or simply lazy. There was a phase when I could write in each of your handwritings which got exploited even after exams got over as I did your homeworks as well. I remember hiding your answerscripts with poor marks.. lying to your parents about your conduct in class.. n also about the result n p.t.a dates.. I remember your parents used to think that she's the sincere one who will tell us the truth..but only we know how many times we have lied to them for little things.

We together have witnessed the major inventions n introductions of various technologies in our lives.. be it the mobile phone... personal computers.. paint..solitaire to pin ball to road rash to alladin to play station age.. hotmail to yahoo to msn to yahoo messenger to gmail to gtalk to orkut to facebook to whatsapp etc. But all through these years growing up with you guys n sharing lives I developed as a really different human being.. because being a girl I could also understand how guys are n almost seventy percent about the ways to decode them. It was for this reason that I changed n started thinking like guys n ended up making more guy friends than girls. 

When girls started wearing kohl n lip glosses and found boyfriends for themselves n started going out.. I was busy playing cricket with cardboard registers n plastic water bottle football in class with you guys. I remember the first time I found someone, you guys were so sad about it coz you had this thing in mind that I may change.. but guys.. I didnt change ! I just changed the guy.. hahaha

There are endless memories to share and as per Yusuf's request I want to share a few of them too with respect to each one of you. I still laugh when I remember the day when all these guys had a little fun wrestle in process of which they tore each other's shirts. All of them were still cool about it except one (Piyush) whose entire shirt was in pieces. It was the first time when me n my bestie (Jasleen) bunked a class after collecting money from all our sources and brought a shirt for him. I remember how the Maths teacher asked us about our whereabouts and we were just concerned to give the shirt first to him. Another fond memory is with the introvert one (Yusuf) who was once misbehaving with my bestie by kicking on her butt which led me to slap him with lotta anger after which he stopped speaking to me. It was a class picnic next day for the first metro ride n he didnt speak to me all the while. In the end I wrote a little poem for him and passed it to him through another friend (Piyush) which resulted in something hilariously cute as we both (me n Yusuf) started crying putting our heads down on the table. It was this innocence that our friendship had.. the respect that our silences had.. 

How can I forget my oldest budd (Varun) with whom once me n my bestie (Jasleen) were playing 'catch me if u can' when he got hurt in the head by the window edge n didnt realize for almost an hour that it was serious to the extent of the need for stitches. And also the epic moment in class when the History teacher made pigtails of him as he just didnt got his haircut done for two weeks despite of her insisting over the same issue. The most different kind of friendship just got built in a year with this awesome human being (Rahul) who was my partner in class for a year n later again for one more year. I remember how we were so conscious all the time and didnt talk to each other for almost a month. But a trip just broke the ice n then we became best of friends. I remember how we talked on the phone for hours n I did his classwork alongwith mine with carbon sheets. We sat together in computer labs n played roadrash n drew random stuff on paint. I can clearly recall that he was the one through whom I saw the first touch screen phone with a stylus n it was such a big deal. It was one day when he just got too angry with me as I couldnt let him cheat my paper.. but the funniest part was that we both flunked and I got lesser marks than him. We still laugh over it. 

But still.. all through these years.. It was nice to be their responsible friend all through these years n being counted upon for everything.
There are so many more things to share but I want to leave them for further reasons to smile in future..

Life moved on and we walked into entirely different paths.. It really became complicated as there were time constraints.. pressures.. changed priorities etc. But there's one thing that did'nt changed at all in these 2.4 decades.. that's almost our age.. that is the bond we share. I love being loved by you all.. being protected.. (Rahul & Rachit) being warned about things.. my drink being tasted before coming to me in parties (Varun).. being scolded for trying harmful stuff.. (Piyush) n in the end being treated like a guy.. still being hit hard on my shoulders (Yusuf) .. still being considered like a girl as per convenience n need.. I just love the way you pamper me n the way I am so special for you all.
Now at this point of time when you guys are entering this new phase of your life with your life partners.. I just want to wish you all luck n lots of love.. and want to assure that nothing will change no matter what happens in life..

You guys were.. are and will always be as special as you are !! And the best thing ever happened to me !! Thanks for everything !!
Specially dedicated to the most awesome guy friends of my life - Varun, Piyush, Rahul, Yusuf, Rachit, Omesh



  1. Awesome depiction of your feelings into words.. I just loved it..and I can assure you that nothing will change from my partner's side as well..and that's my promise..you are a sweetheart..and no doubt you are definitely a "secret box" for everyone..love you <3


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